Developing Airmen Ethos - Lajes Now 122

Lajes Now TV Show about the Airmen Ethos Page,  for Cable TV CH 48 and WebTV "The Airmen Ethos Page is a one-stop shop for all professional development," said Master Sgt. Craig Preston, 65th Force Support Squadron career assistance advisor. "Not only does it include classes from the Lajes Professional Development team, but it also includes Airman and Family Readiness Center classes and resiliency training. The idea for this "one-stop shop" came from Chief Master Sgt. David Klink, 65th Air Base Wing command chief. "Coming from Air Mobility Command, they had something called 'Leadership Pathways,' which is a sharepoint-based system that they were using to consolidate professional development," Klink said. "So as soon as I got here, I realized we didn't have anything like that." "One of the things that I noticed is people like the carrot in front of the cart, not everybody, but some people have that checklist mentality," Klink said. "When they look at professional development, they may say, 'I am going to get five courses this quarter' and that is their personal goal. I want a way to reward and reinforce that." One way to reinforce that mentality is that after attending 10 and then 20 of these classes, Airmen are rewarded certificates from Wing leadership.

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